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Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency litigation

Since its development in 2009, cryptocurrency has been in the financial space as both a threat and an innovation to the business and economic scene. Budget investors have been swayed by the virtual monetary device that offers anonymity, easy international transactions,and feasibility as an investment instrument. Its familiarity has bred numerous investors in the market. Their rising number has...

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Legal tech in 2018. New aspects

... a high degree of accuracy, a great amount of electronic data and documents in relation to the electronic disclosure. The efficiencies, costs benefits, consistency and certainty, offered by predictive coding, indicate that its usage in international litigation is likely to increase and this is only one aspect of the application of this technology in provision of legal services. Stay tuned with ...

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Is your business being sued? Here's what you can do

Any business is vulnerable to getting sued at any time – whether it is a small business, a startup, or a huge enterprise – which is why it is imperative that a business has sound legal defense. litigation can cost a business money, time, and its good reputation. In the event that your business goes through a legal battle, what are the key actions that you may want to take? Let’s start...

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